Everything To Pack When Camping For the First Time

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Camping is fun, but only if you are ready. If you are already on the site and realize that you forgot to bring the most important things you need, you just ruined the entire trip. You must have everything ready before you even set out for this camping trip. To help you pack, here are the most important things you need when camping for the first time.


You need to pack the first thing when going camping is your tent. Even if you are planning not to use it, it is still best to have it in your car just in case you will need it for an emergency shelter. You don’t want to end up drenched during an unexpected turn of events and risk hypothermia. The tent will shield not only you but also your gear. Bring along its necessary accessories, especially if it’s a larger tent style.

Sleeping Bag

Yes, you’re camping, but you still need to sleep well. It may sound fun to rest on a bed of dirt or grass, but it may not be able to keep you warm at night. Remember that at night, the temperatures can drop significantly. There are also too many insects that are active when the sun goes down. So camping without a sleeping bag is a bad idea.

camping in Emu Park

Water And Water Bottle

Sure, you can get drinking water from the campsite, but it is best that you bring some with you from home. Water is essential when camping, and the last thing you want is to run out of it. Drinking from a pond or lake is discouraged. So make sure that you carry a days’ supply of water. If you run out of fresh drinking water, make sure that you have a filter or purification tablets on hand.

Fire Starter

Without a nice, blazing campfire, camping will never be complete. So make sure that you have a handy fire starter with you, like the magnesium fire starter, when you don’t have a flint and steel. Make sure your matches are waterproof. It is best that you pack two fire starters in case one fails. Keep some dry kindling, like dried bark or newspaper, in a waterproof container. Finding dry kindling might be difficult in the wilderness.

Where to Camp In Queensland?

Camping in Emu Park is the best location if you are on your way to Yeppoon, Rockhampton, or Great Keppel. The Fisherman’s Beach Holiday Park is one of the most visited. They offer everything, from the caravan to camping, and all your accommodation needs. In addition, they are also dog friendly, so you won’t have to worry about bringing your fur babies with you during this trip.